
» Instructions: High School

1Fill in the student and parent information.
If the student and parent names are NOT included this report cannot be processed.
2Fill in the attendance (days) for this semester.
3To submit letter grades (A, B, C, etc.) find the Course name first (English, Math, etc.) then type the Letter Grade in the Yellow box.
ASemester Completed: select the Blue Box if only semester work has been completed and a HALF CREDIT for that subject has been earned.
BCourse Completed: select the Green Box if all course work for that subject has been completed, and the FULL CREDIT has been earned.
Students may not earn more than 9 full high school credits per school year.
XIf you select either one by error, you can clear them by selecting the white button under the X column.
4When done, select the Red submit button at the bottom of this form.
5After submission, you will be able to access additional reports for other students.

» High School Student:

Student's Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Grade Level: High School
» Parent / Legal Guardian:

Parent's Name:
Relationship to student:
State and Zip:
( Tennessee County )
Is this a new Address?
No   Yes
Phone Number:
E-mail address:

I verify that I am the parent or legal guardian named above and can legally submit this report.

» Attendance:

Total school days for the first semester:  

» Letter Grades:
Letter grades refer to the earned grade in each course the student is completing (A, B, C, etc.).
Use the yellow box for these grades.
See our grading scale below:
» Grading Scale:
    A  94-100
    C  77-86
    B  87-93
    D  70-76

Letter Grade
Bible 1
Bible 2
Bible 3
English 1
English 2
English 3
English 4
- Continued on next column.
Letter Grade
Pers. Finance
Business Math
Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Advanced Math
Physical Sci.
Phys. Sci. w/ Lab
Biology 1
Biology 1 w/ Lab
Biology 2
Biology 2 w/ Lab
Chemistry w/ Lab
US History
World History
US Gov. / Econ.
Phys. Ed.
Type in the appropriate course:
Home Econ.
Computer Sci.
Public Speaking
Work / Job Exp.

Dual Enrollment
Letter Grade

Comments / Notes:

Reminder: Total High School Credits
Students may not earn more than 9 full high school credits per school year.

A. Ready to Submit your Report?
Included student and parent names?
Choose the Red Button below to submit and complete the process.

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B. Need a copy before submitting your Report?
Included student and parent names?
Make sure your printer is connected and set up to print, then choose the button below.